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Our Policies

Why are Policies important?

Nurture Africa works to achieve and maintain the highest possible standards across its operations in Uganda and Ireland. The policies which Nurture Africa has agreed to abide by, uphold and strive to achieve, enables the organisation to measure itself against standards set across the international development sector.

Nurture Africa Good Governance & Anti-Corruption Policy

The existence of a good regulatory framework provides a sound structure for the management of NA’s resources. NA is committed to upholding the principles of good governance in the implementation of the financial mechanisms. Its governance approach encompasses: accountability, transparency, participation, equality, rule of law, capacity and competence, responsiveness to people’s needs.

Nurture Africa Whistleblowing Policy

Nurture Africa's Whistleblowing Policy provides a safe and structured way for employees, volunteers or other stakeholders to report concerns about unethical or illegal activities within Nurture Africa. It’s designed to encourage reporting of malpractice without fear of reprisal; promoting transparency, accountability and ethical conduct.

Nurture Africa Conflict of Interest Policy

This Conflict of Interest Policy supports board members of Nurture Africa to effectively identify, disclose and manage any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in order to protect the integrity of Nurture Africa and manage risks.

Nurture Africa Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Policy

The Nurture Africa Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy documents the measures our organisation takes in supporting staff, volunteers, community members to recognise and respond correctly when a child or vulnerable adult is identified as at risk of significant harm or has already been harmed.

Nurture Africa Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy

Through this policy, the Nurture Africa Board of Directors and Senior Management states its awareness of the complex environment within which the organisation works. This environment is shaped by significant power differentials and inequalities, both social and gender-based. These conditions, within which the most vulnerable people in society live, can give rise to the abuse of human rights through sexual exploitation, abuse and/or harassment.

Data Protection Policy

The Nurture Africa Data Protection Policy provides a clear and concise statement regarding Nurture Africa’s data protection practices and obligations. Particular emphasis is placed upon personal information (data) in order to ensure that Nurture Africa’s practice and procedures are in line with the requirements of the Irish Data Protection Act (1988 - 2018) and GDPR (2018).

Privacy Policy

Nurture Africa's Privacy Policy states how the organisation collects, uses, discloses and protects the personal information of individuals who come into contact with our organisation and disclose personal data. It is in place to inform users about what data is being gathered, for what purposes and how it will be handled to protect their privacy.

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