Our History
In 1997, co-founder and CEO Brian Iredale first volunteered in Africa. During this
time Brian witnessed first hand the high level of poverty and illness in Uganda.
Once back in Ireland, Brian decided to study paediatric nursing, which would
enable him to return to Uganda and offer better assistance to HIV infected
In 2002, Brian realised that he could try to do something small to assist the
many orphans and vulnerable children directly affected by the HIV epidemic
who were not gaining access to any services from government institutions
or NGOs.
In 2003, Nurture Africa was co-founded by Ugandan lady Nakawunde Annet,
Irishman Brian Iredale and concerned Ugandan youth, who met when Brian was
volunteering in Uganda in 1997. They focused the organisation upon providing
access to healthcare and education for the most vulnerable children within
the communities the organisation would operate in, in Uganda.
In 2005, alongside a growing number of volunteers, both Irish and Ugandan,
the HIV healthcare project was established, supporting the treatment and
care of 5 HIV infected children. The child sponsorship programme also enabled people in Ireland to support the education of a vulnerable child in
Uganda through monthly financial support.
In 2009, Brian became a full-time employee and CEO of the organisation as its growth continued and Irish Aid funding was secured.
In 2011, what was once known as A-Z Children's Charity re-branded to Nurture Africa; a name which embodies the ethos and vision of the organisation into the future. Today in Uganda, Nurture Africa is sustaining the employment of 150+ Ugandan staff members across all departments alongside 2 full-time staff members in its Irish office and positively affecting the lives of tens of thousands of people in Uganda.

2008 - Before Health Centre construction

2011 - At the official opening of the Nurture Africa Health Centre - Phase 1

The first HIV outreach took place at Nurture Africa on 13th Jan 2011

2008 - Before Health Centre construction

Nurture Africa is a grassroots organization dedicated to ending poverty for the most vulnerable families in central and northern Uganda.
Nurture Africa lifts marginalized families out of poverty, empowering them to achieve self-sufficiency and personal wellbeing through a holistic family-centred model.
Nurture Africa provides health and educational services, child advocacy, vocational training, and micro-financing for families living in poverty, giving them the tools they need to redefine their futures.
Primary healthcare clinic at the Nurture Africa health centre