Dochas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages
Nurture Africa is a signatory to the Dochas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages.
The “Code” was implemented in 2007 by Dochas member NGOs as a means of regulating how international development organisations portray
individuals, communities, situations and our own work, in the Global South.
Through our use of images, messages and film footage, Nurture Africa strives to uphold the principals of the code by:
Respecting the dignity of the people concerned.
Believing in the equality of all people
Accepting the need to promote fairness, solidarity and justice.
We also strive to:
Represent any image or given situation truthfully, in order to try and improve public understanding.
Avoid stereotypical photography which may sensationalise or discriminate against people, situations or places.
Use images, messages and case studies with the full understanding, participation and permission of the individuals
involved (or with parental consent where necessary).
Ensure those whose situation is being represented, have the opportunity to communicate the story themselves.
Establish and record whether individuals wish to be named or identifiable and act according to their direction.
Conform to the highest stands in relation to Human Rights and the protection of vulnerable people.
If you wish to communicate to Nurture Africa regarding the Code of Conduct, or any images, messages or video that we circulate, please email our “Code Champion” Kevin Murphy, (using the contact form below) who will be more than willing to discuss any matters arising.
Complaints Mechanism
If for any reason you are not satisfied with the response that you receive from us, or how your we have handled your complaint, you can raise this issue Dochas (Please note that you MUST first raise this issue with Nurture Africa, before contacting Dochas). Complaints must be addressed to the Dochas Director at
Please indicate how and where the principal(s) of the Code have been breached. From this point, Dochas will relay the complaint to the organisation and seek a satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.